Manage GitHub Actions in the enterprise

Prepearing for GitHub certification - Manage GitHub Actions in the enterprise

Table of Contents

Manage actions and workflows

Configure a GitHub Actions use policy

  • GitHub Actions workflows contain actions
  • Can create own action or use public ones
  • Due to that is important to use policies for workflows and actions

Action Policies

  • Enable for all organizations - decided which organizations in your enterprise can use GitHub Actions
  • Policies can be set on different levels
    • allow all action
    • allow local actions only
    • allow select actions
  • Artifacts and log retention

Manually sync public actions for Enterprise Server

  • Official GitHub-Auhtored actions are bundled in Enterprise server
  • Can configure which public actions can be used


  • GitHub actions-sync tool: Possibility to manually download and sync actions into your enterprise instance

Document corporate standards

  • Repositories for storage
  • Files/folders naming conventions
  • Location of shared components
  • Plans for ongoing maintenance
  • Contribution guidelines

Create workflow templates

  • Supported in Enterpise Cloud and Enterpise Server
  • Users need write access to an org .github repository to create templates
  • Workflow templates can be used to creat new workflows in public and private repositories of the organization
  • Need repository .github -> and directory workflow-templates
  • Need a yml workflow file
  • Need a json metadata file that describes how the template should be presented


  • The metadata file must have the same name as the workflow file. Instead of the .yml extension, it must be appended with .properties.json. For example, a file named contains the metadata for the workflow file named octo-organization-ci.yml.

  • Sample workflow:

name: Octo Organization CI



    branches: [ $default-branch ]


    branches: [ $default-branch ]



    runs-on: ubuntu-latest


      - uses: actions/checkout@v2

      - name: Run a one-line script

        run: echo Hello from Octo Organization
  • Sample json file
    "name": "Octo Organization Workflow",
    "description": "Octo Organization CI workflow template.",
    "iconName": "example-icon",
    "categories": [
    "filePatterns": [

Manage runners

Choose an appropriate runner for your workload

  • NOTE: GitHub-hosted runners are only available for Enterprise Cloud. If you have an Enterprise Server instance
  • GitHub-Hosted runners
    • Are managed and maintained by GitHub
  • Self-hosted runners
    • Need to manage OS and Software
    • You are responsible for maintaining it

Configure access to self-hosted runners

  • Can create a Group of self-hosted runners to control access who can use it (either on Enterprise or Organization level).
  • Runners can only be in one group at a time

Configure self-hosted runners for enterprise use

  • Customize your self-hosted runner either with:
    • Labels - Come in handy when you need to run jobs on runners that have specific capabilities.
    • Proxy servers - communicate with GitHub via a proxy. Can be configured with .env file on server link
    • IP Allowlists

Monitor and troubleshoot self-hosted runners

The main steps you can take when troubleshooting a self-hosted runner are:

  1. Check the status of the runner in the GitHub Actions settings of the organization, repository, or enterprise where your self-hosted runner is registered (under Actions for an organization or repository, under Policies > Actions for an enterprise).
  2. Review the activities and automatic updates of the runner in the Runner_ files in the _diag folder.
  3. Review the status of the jobs the runner executed in the Worker_ files in the _diag folder.

Manage encrypted secrets


  • Secrets are encrypted environment variables you can create to store tokens, credentials or any other type of sensitive information
  • Available to use in the workflows and actions that have access to the organization, repository, or repository environment where they are stored

Access encrypted secrets within actions and workflows

  • {% highlight yml %} ${{ secrets.MY_SECRET }} {% endhighlight %}

  • Access in yml
  • To access an encrypted secret in a workflow, you must use the context of the secret in your workflow file. For example:

    {% highlight yml %} steps:

    • name: Hello world action with: # Set the secret as an input super_secret: ${{ secrets.SuperSecret }} env: # Or as an environment variable super_secret: ${{ secrets.SuperSecret }} {% endhighlight %}
  • Access in Action
  • To access an encrypted secret in an action, you must specify the secret as an input parameter in the action.yml


    description: 'My secret token'

    required: true