Hello, I’m Madis Kõosaar

Develops and designs software, works as a DevOps consultant at Solidify, with a Full Stack Developer experience. Is passionate about Azure DevOps, GitHub. I write about different problems I have encountered and solutions for them regarding Technology, Code, DevOps, CI/CD as I learn and educate my self.

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Github Workflow with octokit.js using GHES plugin

Table of Contents Github Workflow with octokit.js using GHES plugin Background of the requirements What is GH-GEI What was need...

Configure code scanning on GitHub

Table of Contents Prepearing for GitHub Advanced Security certification - Configure code scanning on GitHub What is Code Scanning? About code scanning with CodeQL...

Configure and use secret scanning in your GitHub repository

Prepearing for GitHub Advanced Security certification - Configure and use secret scanning in your GitHub repository What is secret scanning? How does secret scann...

Configure Dependabot security updates on your GitHub repo

Prepearing for GitHub Advanced Security certification - Configure Dependabot security updates on your GitHub repo Manage your dependencies on GitHub ...

Introduction to GitHub Advanced Security

Prepearing for GitHub Advanced Security certification - Introduction to GitHub Advanced Security What is GitHub Advanced Security? Secure your softwa...