tips to verify localdb installation
Here are two tips on how to verify if you have locally installed localdb with Visual Studio 2017. First Tip: Run through a command line tool for this we need to open Developer Comma...
Develops and designs software, works as a DevOps consultant at Solidify, with a Full Stack Developer experience. Is passionate about Azure DevOps, GitHub. I write about different problems I have encountered and solutions for them regarding Technology, Code, DevOps, CI/CD as I learn and educate my self.
Here are two tips on how to verify if you have locally installed localdb with Visual Studio 2017. First Tip: Run through a command line tool for this we need to open Developer Comma...
Quick How to for reminding my self how to create an SSL certificate for a IIS website. First of all we need to install openssl, which can be found here -> OpenSsl After the down...